Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Analysis of daily, weekly and monthly Google Trends data

How will our analysis of search behavior differ if we look at short or long time spans? Here's and example of the search volumes for Supercell's games Boom Beach, Hay Day and Clash of Clans.

Monthly, 2004-present

Boom Beach and Clash of Clans seems to be doing well.

Weekly, past 12 months

When looking ag the weekly data, we see that only Clash of Clans seems to have made any significant gains during the past 12 months.

Daily, past 90 days

The daily data reveals a weekday pattern, where searches during the weekends are higher. There is no increasing trend for either of the games.


The choice of time horizon when when analyzing Google Trends data can make a big difference. It is important to have a clear idea of why a certain time horizon has been chosen for analysis.

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